Day 358.
One week to go.
Are you freaking out?
I’m not freaking out.
Everyone just calm down.

With seven days to go before the time’s up, I thought it was a good time to update you all. Just what am I up to exactly? I’ve always let you know how each of the shoots has gone, but what about everything else? What about everything that happens after the shoot, the post-production process?

Well I’m in the thick of that now, trying to finish all twelve films all at once. My days lately have been extremely long. I bounce around between editing, visual effects, colour grading and sound mixing – attempting at the same time to liaise with the composers and sound designers working on the films, seven in total, between Sydney, Singapore and New York.

There’s also a fair amount of work to do organising the screenings in Sydney and Auckland. Just creating the credits for these films is a massive job, there are now so many people involved! I’m paranoid I’m going to leave someone out or turn a Gaffer into a Grip.

As I write this, I’m rendering the final colour grade for the film ‘Hyper-Real’ with one piece of software while exporting the final version of ‘Father’s Day’ with another. Since that ties up my computer for the next half hour or so I figured it would be a good time to fill you all in on this most crazy of weeks.

So what remains to be done? I have a couple more colour grades to finish, three sound mixes to complete, the titles and credits to add in. Hopefully by then I will have received all the sound and music from every which where at which point I must put everything together and spit it all out. I’m looking forward to the spitting it all out bit.

My deadline is Sunday night, at which time I must take the final 12:12 DCP file in my sweaty little hands to Chauvel Cinema so they can ingest and test in time for Thursday’s screening. I’ve never made a DCP file before so one more thing I have to figure out. It’s been a year of figuring things out.

Well, my computer has just finished its tasks, so it’s time to put it back to work. I’m sure I’ll be writing again before the screenings, so I’ll let you know how my last week unfolds.

The films are looking great by the way. I’m really pleased. I think you’re going to dig them. Talk soon.

AuthorJJ Winlove